Raising a child is not a crime,then why our old age peoples live outside their homes,away from their child? This question is for them who thrown away their parents when they are old. Let me ask one thing,when u will become older how could you not expect the same from your children? DO you ever find that what mental condition they are going through. If you really want to be a good human being and then a good citizen, you have to change your thought,and try to educate your community. Your single step can change the thought.
Do you ever think what we are learning from others and what we are teaching others?? or do you ever feel that rejection which you are giving someone?? Try to learn and acceptance, The things you will give to others,you will receive. Learn to respect each and everybody ,whether it could be a normal person like you or a special child/human. They also have that feelings which we have. Never disrespect them,nor ever discourage. You may never know what they feel,but think twice before,because one day you could be that hurted human.....
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